October, 2 2010
So -
One of the apprentices, Shawn Michael Palmer, knows how to make balloon animals and how to juggle. He brought all of his gear into the theater about a week ago and I learned how to make a balloon animal dog. Its amazing. Its name is Francine.
I also asked to borrow his juggling balls yesterday.
I started thinking about the parallel between juggling and lying.
The more items you juggle the harder it is, and the more lies you tell the harder it is to keep track of them.
So, in my solo mio exploration and work generation - I'm learning to juggle. I'm going to juggle for at least 30 minutes each day and then write down what happened, what was hard or easy, and where I am in the process for two weeks.
I started yesterday and I juggled for about 2 hours and I can now juggle 3 balls for roughly 20 tosses. Its super addictive. I can't stop haha.
But there are some interesting things popping up -
Like, when I'm juggling I wither have this soft focus where I'm not focused on anything, or I am focus only on the balls, each of them at different times. Its almost impossible to look past them at anything.
Also, I've learned that tossing them in a triangle formation really helps. Something about seeing the triangle being formed in the air keeps me focused. Triangle as in an arch, but you can see the start, middle, and end points that make up the triangle.
So before I go, let me give you a recap of yesterday, cause it was great.
I got up, went to the company meeting at 9 - came home made ramen noodles, cleaned the entire kitchen spring cleaning style, memorized one of the sides(scenes) for the audition for the understudy parts for Barefoot in the Park, went to an art fair for two hours, ran home in the cold, wonderful fall rain, LEARNED TO JUGGLE 3 BALLS, did a show, came home baked cornbread, and hung out with will till about 1:30 while he made upwards of 5 dozen cookies.
Amazing day.
Talk to yall soon!
Another parallel between juggling and lying: The more you practice, the better you get, and the more balls/lies you can manage.
Wonderful. Thanks Tyson.