Thursday, November 4, 2010


Ok - I admit it - I'm really bad at keeping promises I make to myself, especially when I get really busy - this blog, I just forget about it - Sorry everyone - Sorry Ryan.

So - Dracula closed. Bye Bye - just like that - Friends move back to New York. :( its funny - what we put ourselves through as actors - we make a new family every 3 months, then we say goodbye to them. then we start over. Its funny really. Why do we do what we do? I guess cause we can't picture ourselves doing anything else.

My solo Mio is kicking off. 2 rehearsals in - I've already re-written it completely. I guess that's how it should be.

So - Get this - for the last month, several of the apprentices have been working on a 1 hour, Romeo and Juliet where both Romeo and Juliet are women AND they performed it on 2 levels of the Actors Theater parking garage. They did it in what is called promenade theatre - Where you walk around on foot, and follow the scenes as they unfold. So - the famous balcony scene was done where Juliet was on floor 7, on a staircase, and Romeo was 2 levels below that leaning out the side of the level, over a wall. Hope that makes sense. It was really intimate, and really wonderful. We were 5 feet away, and on the same level as them most of the time. So the play just unfolded before you. Really neat. Here are some photos.

Kerri Alexander - on the Right - Romeo
Dinah Berkley - on the left - Juliet

Balcony scene - The audience was standing right where the person taking this picture was

Shawn Michael Palmer - left - Friar, Peter Vigari - right- Paris

Dinah - Right - playing Juliet leans out of Romeo's car window begging her to leave so she isn't killed.

That was my favorite scene in the whole show.
The two of them pulled up right into the crowd in this car the scene started - in the car - and then Juliet jumped out of the window, begging Romeo to leave.

So - that's whats going on in this neck of the woods - sorry it took me so long to get back to yall -


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